PSS Ships

List of all ships in PSS. Filter on type, category and more.

Sprite Name Level HP Size Type Description
Pirate Frigate (Medium)2682PlayerStandard frigate class ship. A common rookie ship amongst the pirate factions.
Federation Frigate (Light)1448PlayerCheap and reliable, this ship design has gone basically unchanged since the days of the Pylon wars.
Qtarian Frigate (Light)1454PlayerPossessed of a dim consciousness, these ships will act autonomously to seek out raw materials.
Qtarian Frigate (Medium)2680PlayerStandard frigate class ship. A common rookie ship amongst Qtarian miners.
Qtarian Frigate (Heavy)38115PlayerAdvanced frigate class Qtarian vessel. Commonly used for long-range salvage missions.
Federation Frigate (Medium)2677PlayerStandard frigate class ship. A common rookie ship in the federation fleet.
Federation Frigate (Heavy)38107PlayerAdvanced frigate class Federation vessel. Standard issue vehicle for naval patrols.
Pirate Frigate (Heavy)38115PlayerAdvanced frigate class pirate vessel. Highly combat capable amongst frigate class ships.
Pirate Destroyer (Heavy)615167PlayerPirate heavy destroyer. Owning one of these babies marks a captain as someone to fear.
Pirate Frigate (Light)1454PlayerLike many pirate ships, this light frigate is made from parts of the original colony ships, now more than a millennium old.
Pirate Destroyer (Light)410131PlayerEntry level destroyer class vessel. Advanced subsystems. Highly effective against frigate class ships.
Pirate Destroyer (Medium)513146PlayerState of the art Pirate faction Destroyer. These ships are feared by civilians galaxy-wide.
Qtarian Destroyer (Light)410142PlayerEntry level destroyer class vessel. Advanced subsystems. Highly effective against frigate class ships.
Qtarian Destroyer (Medium)513171PlayerState of the art Qtarian Destroyer. Reinforced shell supports an advanced subsystem array. Feared by mineral traders everywhere.
Qtarian Destroyer (Heavy)615199PlayerQtarian heavy destroyer. Reinforced shell supports impressive offensive capabilities and high-powered subsystems.
Federation Destroyer (Light)410129PlayerEntry level destroyer class vessel. Advanced subsystems. Commonly used by Federation secret police.
Federation Destroyer (Medium)513145PlayerState of the art Federation Destroyer. Feared by criminals the galaxy over.
Federation Destroyer (Heavy)615168PlayerFederation heavy destroyer. Reinforced shell supports impressive offensive capabilities and high-powered subsystems.
Ardent Star Protector1028233PlayerAn Ardent Administration Dreadnought class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Satellite126PlayerA primitive machine from the dawn of human history.
Pirate Capital Ship (Class 1)718187PlayerCapitals ships are heavily armoured and support an array of advanced weapons and heavy sub-systems.
Federation Capital Ship (Class 1)718198PlayerCapitals ships are heavily armoured and support an array of advanced weapons and heavy sub-systems.
Qtarian Capital Ship (Class 1)718218PlayerCapitals ships are heavily armoured and support an array of advanced weapons and heavy sub-systems.
Federation Capital Ship (Class 2)822212PlayerMonumental capital ship with extended hull capable of supporting even more advanced systems.
Federation Super Capital Ship925224PlayerDeveloped for large-scale stellar conflicts, these ships are amongst the largest vessels in the Federation navy.
Pirate Capital Ship (Class 2)822212PlayerMonumental capital ship with extended hull capable of supporting even more advanced systems.
Pirate Super Capital Ship925224PlayerBuilt for hardiness and offensive power alike, these formidable ships serve their captains faithfully under even the most extreme of conditions.
Qtarian Capital Ship (Class 2)822238PlayerMonumental capital ship with extended hull capable of supporting even more advanced systems.
Qtarian Super Capital Ship925255PlayerThe largest Qtarian ship still in production. Its reinforced weapon nacelles give it a clear edge over less advanced ships.
Rock139PlayerYour first starship! It's pretty awesome... don't let it get destroyed.
Visiri Frigate (Light)1650PlayerYour first starship! It's pretty awesome... don't let it get destroyed.
Visiri Frigate (Medium)2862PlayerStandard frigate class ship. A common rookie ship amongst the Visiri.
Visiri Frigate (Heavy)31070PlayerAdvanced frigate class Visiri vessel. Highly combat capable amongst frigate class ships.
Gray Frigate (Light)1454PlayerYour first starship! It's pretty awesome... don't let it get destroyed.
Gray Frigate (Medium)2664PlayerStandard frigate class ship. A common rookie ship amongst the Gray.
Gray Frigate (Heavy)3876PlayerThese agile ships scout ahead of Gray flotillas. It is generally agreed that in civilized space these scouts are shot on sight.
Gray Destroyer (Light)41090PlayerTough and powerful, these silent marauders are the bane of traders and colonists across the galaxy.
UFO Drone (Class 1)1412PlayerAn unknown micro sized ship.
Gray Destroyer (Medium)513102PlayerState of the art Gray Destroyer. Superior firepower supports sinister ends.
Gray Destroyer (Heavy)615118PlayerGray heavy destroyer. Great for pranking jumpy colonists.
Gray Capital Ship (Class 1)718130PlayerHeavily armoured and supports an array of advanced weapons and heavy sub-systems.
Gray Capital Ship (Class 2)822142PlayerMonumental capital ship with extended hull capable of supporting even more advanced systems.
Gray Super Capital Ship925154PlayerThis capital ship comes equipped with facilities necessary to hold several thousand prisoners captive. Impressive, but deeply unwholesome.
Visiri Destroyer (Light)41087PlayerEntry level destroyer class vessel. Advanced subsystems. Highly effective against frigate class ships.
Visiri Destroyer (Medium)51398PlayerState of the art Visiri Destroyer. Facilitating larger advanced subsystems. Feared by smaller ships.
Visiri Super Capital Ship920164PlayerStrongest of the capital ships. Powering devastating weapons and ready for large scale warfare.
Drop Ship1718PlayerDrop Ship
Pirate Dreadnought1028237PlayerAncient and venerable, these capital ships have been handed down through countless generations.
Federation Dreadnought1028237PlayerEquipped with cutting-edge weapons and armour, these capital ships are the pride of the Federation navy.
Qtarian Dreadnought1028281PlayerCrashed Qtarian dreadnoughts have been found on worlds across the galaxy, some of them hundreds of thousands of years old.
Gray Dreadnought1028252PlayerThese ships are amongst the most dangerous in the galaxy, responsible for single-handedly destroying entire civilizations.
Golden Armada Dreadnought1028245PlayerThe blueprints to this ancient Qtarian supercarrier have been lost to the ages, leaving only a precious few still in operation.
The Dish Dreadnought1028222PlayerAncient and mysterious, these ships visited Earth at the dawn of the space age, frequently abducting humans and their livestock.
Scavenger Dreadnought1028264PlayerOne of the original colony ships that left Earth thousands of years ago, this formidable vessel was retrofitted to fight in the Pylon wars.
Federation Assault Dreadnought1028201PlayerFederation Architects have incorporated novel new alloys into this ships hull, allowing for better space usage and increased hardiness.
Qtarian Hybrid Dreadnought1028247PlayerAn artifact of the long-dead Draconians, reverse-engineered by the brightest minds of the Qtarian collective.
Visiri Hybrid Dreadnought1028249PlayerA fearsome engine of destruction, incorporating Visiri bioengineering into a shell of Draconian design.
Star Horizon Dreadnought1028248PlayerThe first generation of human ships capable of FTL travel. This battered carrier looks like its been to hell and back.
Big Pecker1028254PlayerAn unforgivable affront to the laws of man and nature alike, available for purchase for a limited time!
Santa Ship1028196PlayerThe creation of an eccentric billionaire, this ship was discontinued after it became apparent that 'Christmas cheer' was not a viable fuel source.
Mother Clucker1132290PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
Pirate Mothership1132266PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Mothership1132303PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Federation Mothership1132260PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Hybrid Mothership1132284PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
Gray Mothership1132280PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
Visiri Hybrid Mothership1132283PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
The Dish Mothership1132245PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
Federation Assault Mothership1132222PlayerThe pinnacle of Federation technology, this ship was developed as a countermeasure against rumours of a qtarian 'Planet-eater'
Star Horizon Mothership1132268PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
Santa Mothership1132216PlayerA mysterious vessel from parts unknown. Spreads Christmas cheer wherever it goes, often by force.
Golden Armada Mothership1132285PlayerThe most opulent starship in the known galaxy. It actually turns out that gold is a terrible substance to make ships out of, but there's nothing better if you want to advertise your excessive wealth.
Scavenger Mothership1132300PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
Oracle Jumpship1028240PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Oracle Mothership1132250PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Fleet Outpost120148AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Depot225184AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Station330218AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Battlestation435252AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Sanctuary540286AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Stronghold645338AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Starbase750376AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Outpost010148AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
BWR1132262PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
Federation Dreadnought Extended1027261PlayerEquipped with cutting-edge weapons and armour, these capital ships are the pride of the Federation navy.
Federation Mothership Extended1131284PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galaxy conquest.
Pirate Dreadnought Extended1027267PlayerAncient and venerable, these capital ships have been handed down through countless generations.
Pirate Mothership Extended1131296PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Dreadnought Extended1027315PlayerCrashed Qtarian dreadnoughts have been found on worlds across the galaxy, some of them hundreds of thousands of years old.
Qtarian Mothership Extended1131337PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Fleet Outpost Extended118178AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Depot Extended223214AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Station Extended328248AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Battlestation Extended433290AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Sanctuary Extended538324AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Stronghold Extended643375AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Starbase Extended748413AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
7474 Starkiller1132280PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
Ardent Star Defender1132260PlayerAn Ardent Administration Mothership class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Vindicator Battleship1028242PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Vindicator Warship1132271PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
The Dish Dreadnought Extended1027250PlayerAncient and mysterious, these ships visited Earth at the dawn of the space age, frequently abducting humans and their livestock.
The Dish Mothership Extended1131273PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
Ardent Star Protector Extended1027265PlayerAn Ardent Administration Dreadnought class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Ardent Star Defender Extended1131288PlayerAn Ardent Administration Mothership class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Gray Dreadnought Extended1027272PlayerA terrible instrument of oppression and misery, these ships are thankfully as rare as they are powerful.
Visiri Hybrid Dreadnought Extended1027285PlayerVisiri organic material has spread throughout the frame of this Draconian hull, reinforcing the metal framework with flexible and lightweight chitin.
Star Horizon Dreadnought Extended1027276PlayerThe first generation of human ships capable of FTL travel. This battered carrier looks like it's been to hell and back.
Star Horizon Mothership Extended1131296PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
Visiri Hybrid Mothership Extended1131319PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
Gray Mothership Extended1131316PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
BWR Extended1131293PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
Oracle Jumpship Extended1027288PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Oracle Mothership Extended1131298PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Santa Ship Extended1027224PlayerA faint jangle of sleigh-bells accompanies this ship wherever it goes. High instance of mental breakdown amongst less jolly crew members.
Santa Mothership Extended1131244PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for the holiday period.
Federation Assault Dreadnought Extended1027231PlayerFederation Architects have developed a new advanced Dreadnought hull design to assist the war effort.
Federation Assault Mothership Extended1131252PlayerThe pinnacle of Federation engineering, this fearsome machine is built to hold its own against entire enemy fleets.
Oil Tank615149PlayerA design as old as the very act of trade itself, these ships transport the sundry materials needed for civilization to where they're needed most.
PSS Millennium Mothership1132281PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
PSS Millennium Dreadnought1028249PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
Infected Federation Ship7598PlayerA Federation cruiser, overgrown with unnatural crystalline structures.
Visiri Frigate (Heavy)31070PlayerAdvanced frigate class Visiri vessel. Highly combat capable amongst frigate class ships.
Infected Horizon Ship1110128PlayerA Star Horizon ship that has been completely infested by some strange crystals.
Myrtis Station1140125PlayerDiscovered drifting slowly through space. It is unclear what the original purpose of this skull-like structure could have been.
Oumaumau Forerunner1028247PlayerAn Interstellar Scout Ship, designed to remain inconspicuous while still being able to carry heavy weaponry.
Oumaumau Invader1132277PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Eclipse Battlecruiser1132263PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
Eclipse Battlecruiser Extended1131291PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
ZAKI龍 Starship1132263PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
ZAKI龍 Starship Extended1131291PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
ZAKI龍 Starbase752216AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Oumaumau Forerunner Extended1027277PlayerAn Interstellar Scout Ship, designed to remain inconspicuous while still being able to carry heavy weaponry.
Oumaumau Invader Extended1131307PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Big Pecker Extended1027296PlayerAn unforgivable affront to the laws of man and nature alike, available for purchase for a limited time!
Mother Clucker Extended1131332PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
Scavenger Dreadnought Extended1027300PlayerOne of the original colony ships that left Earth thousands of years ago, this formidable vessel was retrofitted to fight in the Pylon wars.
Scavenger Mothership Extended1131348PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
Cybership1028248PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Mother Cybership1132283PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Cybership Extended1027288PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Mother Cybership Extended1131323PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
PSS Millennium Dreadnought Extended1027281PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
PSS Millennium Mothership Extended1131313PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
7474 Starkiller Extended1132326PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
Federation Titan1235297PlayerOne of the pillars of the Federation armada, ready to bring down the law on the scum of the galaxy.
Federation Titan Extended1234331PlayerOne of the pillars of the Federation armada, ready to bring down the law on the scum of the galaxy.
Pirate Titan1235299PlayerThe flagship vessel of the most notorious and feared pirates of the Galaxy.
Pirate Titan Extended1234329PlayerThe flagship vessel of the most notorious and feared pirates of the Galaxy.
Federation Assault Titan1235308PlayerFederation Architects have incorporated novel new alloys into this ships hull, allowing for better space usage and increased hardiness.
Federation Assault Titan Extended1234338PlayerThe pinnacle of Federation technology, this ship was developed as a countermeasure against rumours of a qtarian 'Planet-eater'
The Disher of Destruction1235306PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
The Disher of Destruction Extended1234338PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
Vindicator Titan1235302PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Qtarian Hybrid Titan1235308PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
Qtarian Hybrid Dreadnought Extended1028275PlayerAn artifact of the long-dead Draconians, reverse-engineered by the brightest minds of the Qtarian collective.
Qtarian Hybrid Mothership Extended1132312PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
Qtarian Hybrid Titan Extended1234336PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
Qtarian Titan1235317PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Titan Extended1234351PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Scavenger Hulk1235341PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
Scavenger Hulk Extended1234389PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
PSS Millennium Titan1235311PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
PSS Millennium Titan Extended1234343PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
Cyber-Titan1235311PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Cyber-Titan Extended1234351PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Gray Titan1235310PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
Gray Titan Extended1234334PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
Vindicator Battleship Extended1027272PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Vindicator Warship Extended1131301PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Vindicator Titan Extended1234332PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Eclipse Titan1235300PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
Eclipse Titan Extended1234328PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
Santa Sleigher1235307PlayerA mysterious vessel from parts unknown. Spreads Christmas cheer wherever it goes, often by force.
Santa Sleigher Extended1234339PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for the holiday period.
What The Cluck1235308PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
What The Cluck Extended1234350PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
Golden Armada Flagship1235319PlayerThe command ship helmed by the greatest admirals of the Golden Armada.
Infected Qtarian Ship920166PlayerA Qtarian mining trawler, overgrown with unnatural crystal masses.
Oracle Worldship1235344PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Oracle Worldship Extended1234392PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Visiri Hybrid Titan1235307PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
Visiri Hybrid Titan Extended1234343PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
Ardent Star Guardian1235310PlayerAn Ardent Administration Titan class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Ardent Star Guardian Extended1234342PlayerAn Ardent Administration Titan class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
7474 Devastator1235306PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
7474 Devastator Extended1234346PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
VBWR1235286PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
VBWR Extended1234316PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
Oumaumau Progenitor1235310PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Oumaumau Progenitor Extended1234340PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Star Horizon Titan1235313PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
Star Horizon Titan Extended1234341PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
ZAKI龍 Warship1235300PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
ZAKI龍 Warship Extended1234328PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
Golden Armada Dreadnought Extended1027277PlayerThe blueprints to this ancient Qtarian supercarrier have been lost to the ages, leaving only a precious few still in operation.
Golden Armada Mothership Extended1131317PlayerThe most opulent starship in the known galaxy. It actually turns out that gold is a terrible substance to make ships out of, but there's nothing better if you want to advertise your excessive wealth.
Golden Armada Flagship Extended1234351PlayerThe command ship helmed by the greatest admirals of the Golden Armada.
Galaxy Armada Flagship1235319PlayerA customized Armada command vessel granted to only those admirals that have traveled the farthest reaches of the Galaxy.
Galaxy Armada Flagship Extended1234351PlayerA customized Armada command vessel granted to only those admirals that have traveled the farthest reaches of the Galaxy.
Dragonstar Dreadnought1028248PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Dreadnought Extended1027278PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Mothership1132278PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Mothership Extended1131308PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Flagship1235304PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Flagship Extended1234334PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Super Rock Destroyer1235346PlayerOwned by the richest and most obsessed Qtarian junkers with an insatiable grudge against all things rocky. Sponsored by Jean.
Super Rock Destroyer Extended1234402PlayerOwned by the richest and most obsessed Qtarian junkers with an insatiable grudge against all things rocky. Sponsored by Jean.
Infected Federation Cruiser720144PlayerA Federation cruiser, overgrown with unnatural crystalline structures.
Infected Star Horizon1120207PlayerA Star Horizon ship that has been completely infested by some strange crystals.
Infected Pirate Cruiser62067PlayerAn antique pirate vessel, deformed by strange crystalline growths.
Fleetbreaker's Wrath1235350PlayerThe pride of the Fleetbreaker Clans, these behemoths serve as the motherships of the legendary nomadic fleets roaming the galaxy. Sponsored by Havøk.
Fleetbreaker's Wrath Extended1234410PlayerThe pride of the Fleetbreaker Clans, these behemoths serve as the motherships of the legendary nomadic fleets roaming the galaxy. Sponsored by Havøk.
Alpha Piscium Megalith1235333PlayerDesigned and created by a mysterious civilisation of fish-men, these ancient hulks appear more like giant battle fortresses than a space-faring vessel. Sponsored by Admiral Col.
Alpha Piscium Megalith Extended1234393PlayerDesigned and created by a mysterious civilisation of fish-men, these ancient hulks appear more like giant battle fortresses than a space-faring vessel. Sponsored by Admiral Col.
Spaceship1235290PlayerTo Mars. And Beyond!
Spaceship Extended1234330PlayerTo Mars. And Beyond!
HYDRA龍 Lernaean Titan1235307PlayerAwarded to HYDRA龍 as the Winning Fleet of 2020!
HYDRA龍 Lernaean Titan Extended1234343PlayerAwarded to HYDRA龍 as the Winning Fleet of 2020!
PSS Millennium 2K Titan1235311PlayerThe latest and greatest from the Savy Soda Shipworks. Commemorate Stardate 2000 in stunning style! Steward this steely starship, sturdy and steady.
PSS Millennium 2K Titan Extended1234343PlayerThe latest and greatest from the Savy Soda Shipworks. Commemorate Stardate 2000 in stunning style! Steward this steely starship, sturdy and steady.
Lost Infected Vessel1235344PlayerThese Crystal infected Starships are responsible for tales of Abandoned Hulls coming to life in deep space.
Lost Infected Vessel Extended1234392PlayerThese Crystal infected Starships are responsible for tales of Abandoned Hulls coming to life in deep space.
Cargo Shuttle1218PlayerCargo Shuttle
Conjoint Flagship1235319PlayerThe dark silhouette sends shivers down Captains' spines, indiscriminately devouring everything in its path. It’s a pity they don’t understand, it’s all in the name of science.
Conjoint Flagship Extended1234351PlayerThe dark silhouette sends shivers down Captains' spines, indiscriminately devouring everything in its path. It’s a pity they don’t understand, it’s all in the name of science.
Void Asteroid1509PlayerTravelling interstellar object. Point of origin unknown.
Drakian Star Palace1235336PlayerOnce a proud line of massive colony barges, the Drakians converted these behemoths into a mobile fortress that hosts only the highest echelons of the Drakian military. Sponsored by 圣歌祈祷.
Drakian Star Palace Extended1234376PlayerOnce a proud line of massive colony barges, the Drakians converted these behemoths into a mobile fortress that hosts only the highest echelons of the Drakian military. Sponsored by 圣歌祈祷.
Empyrean Dragon Flagship1235315PlayerThis formidable warship has journeyed to numerous civilizations, leaving behind countless legends and tales of dread. Even today, on many planets with primitive civilizations, it is revered as a creature of ancient mythology. Sponsored by 红薯.
Empyrean Dragon Flagship Extended1234347PlayerThis formidable warship has journeyed to numerous civilizations, leaving behind countless legends and tales of dread. Even today, on many planets with primitive civilizations, it is revered as a creature of ancient mythology. Sponsored by 红薯.
Old Outpost120109PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Depot225123PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Station330146PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Battlestation435168PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Sanctuary540181PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Stronghold645203PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Starbase750221PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Outpost010101PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Depot Extended223150PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Station Extended328173PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Battlestation Extended433193PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Sanctuary Extended538206PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Stronghold Extended643228PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Starbase Extended748246PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Old Outpost Extended118136PlayerA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Fortress860400AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Fleet Fortress Extended858437AllianceA place for noble Fleet members to gather! Comes with complimentary Starship parking for visitors.
Pirate Voidship1235299PlayerThe flagship vessel of the most notorious and feared pirates of the Galaxy.
Pirate Titan1340324PlayerThe flagship vessel of the most notorious and feared pirates of the Galaxy.
Pirate Titan Extended1339354PlayerThe flagship vessel of the most notorious and feared pirates of the Galaxy.
Cyber-Titan1340333PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Cyber-Titan Extended1339381PlayerThe Cybership uses unibody construction (aka Exoskeleton) like most passenger frigates rather than the body-on-frame construction which is typical of Capital Ships. Comes with bullet proof hull and windows although neither are tested.
Federation Assault Titan1340327PlayerFederation Architects have incorporated novel new alloys into this ships hull, allowing for better space usage and increased hardiness.
Federation Assault Titan Extended1339359PlayerThe pinnacle of Federation technology, this ship was developed as a countermeasure against rumours of a qtarian 'Planet-eater'
Visiri Hybrid Titan1340333PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
Visiri Hybrid Titan Extended1339373PlayerVisiri biomachinery has grown into the shell of this Draconian warship, making it one of the largest living organisms in the known universe.
Star Horizon Titan1340333PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
Star Horizon Titan Extended1339363PlayerThe first human ship capable of FTL travel. These ships formed the backbone of the Federation armada during the Pylon wars.
Federation Titan1340329PlayerOne of the pillars of the Federation armada, ready to bring down the law on the scum of the galaxy.
Federation Titan Extended1339361PlayerOne of the pillars of the Federation armada, ready to bring down the law on the scum of the galaxy.
Oumaumau Progenitor1340341PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Oumaumau Progenitor Extended1339375PlayerAn Interstellar Warship, designed for surprise attacks on unsuspecting systems.
Eclipse Titan1340328PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
Eclipse Titan Extended1339356PlayerThe blueprints to this lithe, powerful ship were recovered from a secret Federation installation. Design submission: ItsuraBlack.
Santa Sleigher1340329PlayerA mysterious vessel from parts unknown. Spreads Christmas cheer wherever it goes, often by force.
Santa Sleigher Extended1339361PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for the holiday period.
Empyrean Dragon Flagship1340335PlayerThis formidable warship has journeyed to numerous civilizations, leaving behind countless legends and tales of dread. Even today, on many planets with primitive civilizations, it is revered as a creature of ancient mythology. Sponsored by 红薯.
Empyrean Dragon Flagship Extended1339371PlayerThis formidable warship has journeyed to numerous civilizations, leaving behind countless legends and tales of dread. Even today, on many planets with primitive civilizations, it is revered as a creature of ancient mythology. Sponsored by 红薯.
PSS Millennium 2K Titan1340333PlayerThe latest and greatest from the Savy Soda Shipworks. Commemorate Stardate 2000 in stunning style! Steward this steely starship, sturdy and steady.
PSS Millennium 2K Titan Extended1339365PlayerThe latest and greatest from the Savy Soda Shipworks. Commemorate Stardate 2000 in stunning style! Steward this steely starship, sturdy and steady.
Ardent Star Guardian1340334PlayerAn Ardent Administration Titan class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Ardent Star Guardian Extended1339366PlayerAn Ardent Administration Titan class vessel. Usually armed with superior cloaking technology.
Qtarian Titan1340329PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Titan Extended1339363PlayerThe size of a small planetary city. This massive vessel is capable of supplying everything necessary for galactic conquest.
Qtarian Hybrid Titan1340341PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
Qtarian Hybrid Titan Extended1339369PlayerRebuilt from the wreckage of a Draconian superdestroyer, this ship represents a major threat to the enemies of the Qtarian collective.
PSS Millennium Titan1340333PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
PSS Millennium Titan Extended1339365PlayerThe crowning jewel of Savy Soda Shipworks' warships. This Millennium Edition ship is the result of one thousand years of conflict amongst the stars.
Gray Titan1340338PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
Gray Titan Extended1339362PlayerAlthough only a few of these cyclopean vehicles are known to exist, each represents a credible threat to human and qtarian civilization alike.
Fleetbreaker's Wrath1340362PlayerThe pride of the Fleetbreaker Clans, these behemoths serve as the motherships of the legendary nomadic fleets roaming the galaxy. Sponsored by Havøk.
Fleetbreaker's Wrath Extended1339422PlayerThe pride of the Fleetbreaker Clans, these behemoths serve as the motherships of the legendary nomadic fleets roaming the galaxy. Sponsored by Havøk.
Storm Lance1340334PlayerA heavy lancer class warship that pierces the heavens!
Storm Lance Extended1339366PlayerA heavy lancer class warship that pierces the heavens!
7474 Devastator1340326PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
7474 Devastator Extended1339366PlayerFound buried on a Qtarian ruin-world, this ship contains technologies lost to science for an aeon.
Celestial Lance1340334PlayerA heavy lancer class warship that pierces the heavens!
Celestial Lance Extended1339366PlayerA heavy lancer class warship that pierces the heavens!
Super Rock Destroyer1340370PlayerOwned by the richest and most obsessed Qtarian junkers with an insatiable grudge against all things rocky. Sponsored by Jean.
Super Rock Destroyer Extended1339418PlayerOwned by the richest and most obsessed Qtarian junkers with an insatiable grudge against all things rocky. Sponsored by Jean.
Dragonstar Flagship1340330PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Dragonstar Flagship Extended1339362PlayerThe epitome of glory and elegance, these vessels were once the sole providence of the Drakian rulership caste.
Spaceship1340340PlayerTo Mars. And Beyond!
Spaceship Extended1339380PlayerTo Mars. And Beyond!
Golden Armada Flagship1340334PlayerThe command ship helmed by the greatest admirals of the Golden Armada.
Golden Armada Flagship Extended1339366PlayerThe command ship helmed by the greatest admirals of the Golden Armada.
Scavenger Hulk1340353PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
Scavenger Hulk Extended1339401PlayerAmongst the largest ships ever berthed, these converted colony ships served as mobile command centres for the rebellion during the Pylon wars.
Vindicator Titan1340336PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Vindicator Titan Extended1339368PlayerA huge pirate vessel bound by a evil force. Dead set on desolating known space.
Doom Sphere1235312PlayerThat is no moon. It's a battle station!
Doom Sphere Extended1234352PlayerThat is no moon. It's a battle station!
Galaxy Armada Flagship1340333PlayerA customized Armada command vessel granted to only those admirals that have traveled the farthest reaches of the Galaxy.
Galaxy Armada Flagship Extended1339366PlayerA customized Armada command vessel granted to only those admirals that have traveled the farthest reaches of the Galaxy.
What The Mother Cluck1340322PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
What The Mother Cluck Extended1339361PlayerThe mother of all ugly birds, available for purchase for a limited time!
Conjoint Flagship1340337PlayerThe dark silhouette sends shivers down Captains' spines, indiscriminately devouring everything in its path. It’s a pity they don’t understand, it’s all in the name of science.
Conjoint Flagship Extended1339369PlayerThe dark silhouette sends shivers down Captains' spines, indiscriminately devouring everything in its path. It’s a pity they don’t understand, it’s all in the name of science.
Oracle Worldship Extended1339411PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
Oracle Worldship1340379PlayerA small space station constructed by nomadic golems millennia ago.
The Ultimate Dishtroyer1340322PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
The Ultimate Dishtroyer Extended1339374PlayerRegarded by several primitive races as a cruel deity of destruction, this terrible machine is capable of wreaking destruction on a planetary scale.
ZAKI龍 Warship1340328PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
ZAKI龍 Warship Extended1339352PlayerA special prototype variant of the Eclipse class ship that was acquired by members of the ZAKI龍 fleet.
Doom Sphere1340348PlayerThat is no moon. It's a battle station!
Doom Sphere Extended1339408PlayerThat is no moon. It's a battle station!
Drakian Star Palace1340340PlayerOnce a proud line of massive colony barges, the Drakians converted these behemoths into a mobile fortress that hosts only the highest echelons of the Drakian military. Sponsored by 圣歌祈祷.
Drakian Star Palace Extended1339380PlayerOnce a proud line of massive colony barges, the Drakians converted these behemoths into a mobile fortress that hosts only the highest echelons of the Drakian military. Sponsored by 圣歌祈祷.
Super BWR1340323PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
Super BWR Extended1339355PlayerA Starship in the shape of a big white rabbit.
Alpha Piscium Megalith1340357PlayerDesigned and created by a mysterious civilisation of fish-men, these ancient hulks appear more like giant battle fortresses than a space-faring vessel. Sponsored by Admiral Col.
Alpha Piscium Megalith Extended1339409PlayerDesigned and created by a mysterious civilisation of fish-men, these ancient hulks appear more like giant battle fortresses than a space-faring vessel. Sponsored by Admiral Col.
HYDRA龍 Lernaean Titan1340334PlayerAwarded to HYDRA龍 as the Winning Fleet of 2020!
HYDRA龍 Lernaean Titan Extended1339373PlayerAwarded to HYDRA龍 as the Winning Fleet of 2020!
Lost Infected Vessel1340379PlayerThese Crystal infected Starships are responsible for tales of Abandoned Hulls coming to life in deep space.
Lost Infected Vessel Extended1339411PlayerThese Crystal infected Starships are responsible for tales of Abandoned Hulls coming to life in deep space.
Summit Starbreaker1340348PlayerA towering behemoth of ancient Summitran engineering, equipped with advanced technology designed to conquer the galaxy.
Summit Starbreaker Extended1339408PlayerA towering behemoth of ancient Summitran engineering, equipped with advanced technology designed to conquer the galaxy.