The ship builder tool allows you to easily play around with ship designs and then save anything you like for later. Maybe you're upgrading and you want to perfect your new ships layout while you wait for the upgrade. Maybe you're planning a change in strategy and want to test how to build it before committing. Maybe you want to create an example layout to show someone new to the game how to sandwich armour. Whatever your reasons, the ship builder can help.
To use the tool, simply search for your desired ship hull. Once it's loaded select the rooms type to see a list of available rooms. Click on rooms to add them to your ship then drag them around in the editor to lay it all out correctly. By default the builder only allows the same rooms as the game, however if you want to make a crazy ship simply untick the "Only allow valid rooms" and go wild!
Please let me know if you hit any bugs or if there is something else you'd like it to do.
You can search for any ship in the game using the search box above. Spelling is important however so please use the suggested names to ensure you find exactly what you're looking for.
Already got your ship on PixyShip and want to edit on pixel-prestige instead? Well then copy your PixyShip link below and hit import! It's that' simple.