PSS Items

List of all items in PSS. Filter on type, subtype, buff and more.

Name Type Subtype Buff Market Price Crafted from Description
 Advanced Sentry Turret
EquipmentModule+50 Attack
261 buxAutomated stationary defenses to annoy those pesky invaders.
 Auto Gun Turret
EquipmentModule+20 Attack
62 buxAutomated stationary defenses to annoy those pesky invaders.
 Auto HMG Turret
EquipmentModule+40 Attack
76 buxAutomated stationary defenses to annoy those pesky invaders.
 Auto Machine Gun Turret
EquipmentModule+30 Attack
67 buxAutomated stationary defenses to annoy those pesky invaders.
EquipmentModule+50 Attack
-There's never a bad time to practice your swing! Automated stationary defenses.
 Bat Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+80 FireResistance
-A spooky sprinkler! I really hope that's water...
 Bobblehead Mine
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-A Nuclear Mine packed inside a life-size bobblehead.
EquipmentModule+3 HP
154 buxProtects your rooms by absorbing damage first.
 Brito Turret
EquipmentModule+50 Attack
-Automated stationary defenses. Let's see those pesky colonists melt this down!
 Broken Pot Plant
EquipmentModule+2 HP
10 buxNeeds re-potting.
 C4 Mine
EquipmentModule+6 Attack
40 buxHigh Explosive charge. Explodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Concrete Barrier
EquipmentModule+4 HP
468 buxProtects your rooms by absorbing damage first.
 Confetti Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+70 FireResistance
-Passed intergalactic Health and Safety with flying colors!
 Cracked Eggsplosive Mine
EquipmentModule+14 Attack
-Shell of a destroyed Eggsplosive Mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Cryo Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
22 buxA trap containing the latest refrigeration technology to flash freeze its unsuspecting victims.
 Destroyed Advanced Sentry Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A destroyed gun turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Auto Gun Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A destroyed gun turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Auto HMG Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A destroyed gun turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Auto Machine Gun Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A destroyed gun turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Ball-Launcher
EquipmentModule+3 HP
-A destroyed Ball-Launcher. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Bricks
EquipmentModule+3 HP
265 buxA destroyed brick wall. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed Brito Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A destroyed Brito Turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Concrete Barrier
EquipmentModule+4 HP
168 buxA destroyed concrete barrier. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed DFA Lazer Turret
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+0 Attack
-A destroyed DFA turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Dragon Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A broken Dragon Turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Egress Lazer Turret
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+0 Attack
-A destroyed lazer turret. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Energy Barrier
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+6 HP
21 buxA destroyed Energy barrier. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed Placard
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-A destroyed Placard. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed Pony Keg
EquipmentModule+5 HP
-A destroyed Pony Keg. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed Pretzel Stand Turret
EquipmentModule+0 Attack
-A broken pretzel stand. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Destroyed Retro Console
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
21 buxIt actually seems to run a little better now.
 Destroyed Scratching Post
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-Built from the sturdiest materials on the market, this feline plaything can endure near limitless amounts of physical abuse.
 Destroyed Steel Barrier
EquipmentModule+5 HP
1000 buxA destroyed steel barrier. Doesn't really do much.
 Destroyed Tombstone Barrier
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-As strong as the barriers between life and death.
 Destroyed Zaki Barrier
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+6 HP
21 buxA destroyed Zaki barrier. Doesn't really do much.
 DFA Lazer Turret
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+60 Attack
-Specialist Death From Above series lazer turret. This model is extremely rare due to fabrication overhead costs.
 Dragon Turret
EquipmentModule+50 Attack
-This ornate dragon sculpture brings prosperity to your crew, failure to other's.
 Eggsplosive Mine
EquipmentModule+14 Attack
45500 buxYou would be eggstatic to know that this eggsperimental mine is designed to turn your terri-fried enemies into scrambled body parts. Isn't it eggs-citing?
 Egress Lazer Turret
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+60 Attack
944 buxAutomated Refraction Lazer Turret. Featuring a personable AI voice system, this sentry will politely request targets to abandon cover for optimal zapping.
 Energy Barrier
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+6 HP
296 buxA special energy barrier to protect systems from damage.
 Expended Big Bang
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-The remaining cartridge from a Big Bang firework. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Bobblehead Mine
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-Shell of a destroyed Bobblehead Mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended C4 Mine
EquipmentModule+6 Attack
20 buxShell of a destroyed C4 mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Cryo Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
-Shell of a destroyed cryo mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Firework Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
-An empty firework crate. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Nuclear Mine
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
350 buxShell of a destroyed Nuclear mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Pressure Plate
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-Shell of a destroyed Pressure Plate. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Proximity Mine
EquipmentModule+4 Attack
8 buxShell of a destroyed proximity mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Quantum Mine
EquipmentModule+14 Attack
-Shell of a destroyed Quantum Mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Semtex Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
1 buxShell of a destroyed Semtex mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Singularity Freeze Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
-Frozen remains of a gravity mine. Can be reloaded with minerals.
 Expended Xmas Deco Mine
EquipmentModule+4 Attack
22 buxShell of a destroyed proximity Xmas Deco mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Xmas Gift Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
25 buxShell of a destroyed Xmas Gift mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Expended Xmas Grenade Mine
EquipmentModule+6 Attack
26 buxShell of a destroyed Xmas Grenade mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Firework Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
-What do you do with leftover fireworks once the celebration is over? You weaponize them, of course!
 Foaming Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+70 FireResistance
83 buxFoam gushes out of this thing.
 Garden Hedge
EquipmentModule+5 HP
-Thick and leafy, for privacy and protection!
 Hoop Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+70 FireResistance
-Constantly dispenses a spray of electrolyte-rich beverage, which cools and energises.
 Jellyfish Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
-Stepping on this squishy trap will sting and paralyze enemy Crew!
 Lawn sprinkler
EquipmentModule+70 FireResistance
-A fun way to cool off. Not recommended for the computer lab.
 Nuclear Mine
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
618 buxExtremely dangerous. Explodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Organic Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+80 FireResistance
-By genetically combining a blue whale with a small bat, scientists have finally created the cutest solution for shipboard fire safety systems!
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-Proudly show your Team Colors. Defense; Defense!
 Planter Box
EquipmentModule+3 HP
178 buxBeautify your space and protect your crew with conveniently placed, pretty obstacles!
 Pneumatic Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+80 FireResistance
359 buxUses de-pressurisation and chemical compounds to dampen flames.
 Pony Keg
EquipmentModule+5 HP
-Keep your crew hydrated and motivated in the heat of battle. Absorbs Damage.
 Pot Plant
EquipmentModule+2 HP
167 buxAlways seems to catch a stray shot in a firefight.
 Powerless Sandbug
EquipmentModule+2 HP
-A Powerless Sandbug. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Pressure Plate
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-Stepping on this plate will generate a dangerous amount of energy. Triggers when enemy enters room. Has a slight delay before exploding and also causes collateral damage to crews.
 Pressure Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+60 FireResistance
57 buxWater gushes out of this thing.
 Pretzel Stand Turret
EquipmentModule+50 Attack
-Hot, salty pastries, served at thrice the speed of sound!
 Proximity Mine
EquipmentModule+4 Attack
24 buxExplodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Punctured Sandbag
EquipmentModule+2 HP
45 buxA Punctured Sandbag. Doesn't do anything until patched up.
 Quantum Mine
EquipmentModule+14 Attack
-A prototype explosive mine utilizing experimental quantum mechanics technology.
 Recall Beacon
EquipmentModule59 buxAllows friendly crews to instantly teleport to its location. Has limited charges.
 Recall Beacon MkII
EquipmentModule160 buxAllows friendly crews to instantly teleport to its location. Has limited charges.
 Recall Beacon MkIII
EquipmentModule559 buxAllows friendly crews to instantly teleport to its location. Has limited charges.
 Retro Game Console
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
296 buxThis ancient console has serious overheating issues. Caution: Known to explode like a landmine.
 Ruined hedge
EquipmentModule+5 HP
-Nothing a little pruning can't fix.
 Ruined Planter Box
EquipmentModule+3 HP
12 buxIt was beautiful once.
EquipmentModule+2 HP
53 buxProtects your rooms by absorbing damage first.
EquipmentModule+2 HP
-Protects your room by absorbing damage first.
 Scratching Post
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-Built from the sturdiest materials on the market, this feline plaything can endure near limitless amounts of physical abuse.
 Semtex Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
127 buxExplodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Singularity Freeze Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
-Briefly generates a miniature black hole to freeze intruders.
 Slain Succulent
EquipmentModule+4 HP
1 buxGrab a leaf and re-pot it.
 Smashed Super Succulent
EquipmentModule+5 HP
500 buxTrue beauty never dies.
 Snakehead Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+100 FireResistance
-A sprinkler in the shape of snake head. Does not spit acid.
 Snowflake Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+70 FireResistance
-These snowflakes look suspiciously identical.
 Sonic Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+100 FireResistance
-A high tech device that uses intense pulse vibrations to contain fires. Also serves as a dirt-remover.
 Spent Recall Beacon
EquipmentModule-A spent Recall Beacon that is out of charges.
 Spent Recall Beacon Mk.II
EquipmentModule-A spent Recall Beacon that is out of charges.
 Spent Recall Beacon MkIII
EquipmentModule-A spent Recall Beacon that is out of charges.
 Squashed Jellyfish Mine
EquipmentModule+120 FreezeAttackSkill
-Squishy remains of a Jellyfish Mine. Can be refilled with minerals.
 Steel Barrier
EquipmentModule+5 HP
1646 buxProtects your rooms by absorbing damage first.
EquipmentModule+4 HP
498 buxSomehow makes you feel peaceful. Maybe because it absorbs damage for you.
 Super Succulent
EquipmentModule+5 HP
1901 buxThe gold standard in aesthetic room protection.
 The Big Bang
EquipmentModule+10 Attack
-High explosive fireworks. Triggers when enemy enters room. Has a slight delay before exploding and also causes collateral damage to crews.
 Tombstone Barrier
EquipmentModule+4 HP
-As strong as the barriers between life and death.
 Water Sprinkler
EquipmentModule+50 FireResistance
31 buxAutomatically puts out fires.
 Xmas Deco Mine
EquipmentModule+4 Attack
19 buxLooks festive. Explodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Xmas Gift Mine
EquipmentModule+8 Attack
74 buxLooks festive. Explodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Xmas Grenade Mine
EquipmentModule+6 Attack
34 buxLooks festive. Explodes after a brief delay when hostiles enter the room. Causes collateral damage to crews.
 Zaki Barrier
EquipmentModule+Random Stat
+6 HP
296 buxA Zaki energy barrier to protect systems from damage.
104 item(s) found.