PSS Rooms

List of all rooms in PSS. Filter on type, category and more.

Sprite Name Type Category Used On Premium 'bux' Room Level Min Ship Level Description
Disintegrator Gate Lv1
SecurityDefenceShips onlyYES11Like electro-shock therapy? Zap enemy boarders with this security room!
Security Gate Lv1
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-13A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv10
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-1012A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv11
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-1112A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv2
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-24A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv3
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-34A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv4
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-45A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv5
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-56A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv6
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-67A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv7
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-78A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv8
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-89A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Security Gate Lv9
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-910A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Small Gas Trap Lv1
SecurityDefenceShips onlyYES13A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Small Gas Trap Lv2
SecurityDefenceShips onlyYES25A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Trash Compactor Lv10
SecurityDefenceShips + starbase-1012A defensive security gate to prevent enemies from passing through your ship. Requires power to operate.
Zaki Tentacle Garden Base Lv1
SecurityDefenceStarbase onlyYES11This room contains of a rare tentacle creature discovered by Zaki military and was repurposed to repel enemy boarders.
Zaki Tentacle Garden Lv1
SecurityDefenceShips onlyYES11This room contains of a rare tentacle creature discovered by Zaki military and was repurposed to repel enemy boarders.